We have an amazing team of local and world renown riders that back and represent our store. 

Ben Ferguson: Burton/anon/Red bull/Dvs (2015 TWS Rookie of the year)

Gab Ferguson: Burton/Anon/Rockstar/US snowboard team

Curtis Ciszek: Volcom/Dakine/vestal/Poler

Max Warbington: Gnu/Airblaster/Dragon

Gus Warbington: Gnu/Dragon/Airblaster

Enni Rukajarvi: Burton girls/Red Bull (2014 Olympic silver medalist woman's slopestyle)

Desiree Melancon: Salomon/32/ Coal (2014 TW snow woman's rider of the year)

JD Dennis: Burton Knowbuddy/Crabgrab/Dragon

Dru Brownrigg: Burton NW/ Anon NW

Alex Lopez: Gnu, Volcom, Crabgrab

Alder Butsch: Lib Tech (flow), Volcom(flow), Ashbury(flow)

Nathan Jacobson Flow/ Homeschool/US snowboarding team